While the most common use for Quicket is to sell tickets to an event, Quicket can be used for almost any occasion in which you need to collect money or information, or both. Here are just a few creative ways we’ve seen our platform being used.

Group gifts
- Got a friend’s 30th coming up? Have they been dropping hints that they need a new wetsuit? Have you been dropping hints back that it ain’t happening because you’re not made of money but you quite like the idea of being made of wetsuit material? Well, don’t worry about not being made of money if you have friends who can help! Just set up a page on Quicket, send the link to a few mates and go in on that awesome gift together.
- To get your page up and running, we recommend setting your page to Private and adding a Donations box instead of ticket types. You can include a Target so everyone knows what the goal is and see how much has already been raised, then donate what they see fit.
Bachelor & bachelorette parties
- Everyone loves a good Bachelor or Bachelorette Party (often a little too much), but putting one on can be a logistical nightmare. With Quicket, there’s no need to send your banking details to the whole group and rifle through your bank statement every day trying to find payments owed to you. Just set a up a page on Quicket, and keep track of everyone who’s paid for the party by checking your guest list.
- We recommend setting your page to Private and creating a ticket type with the set amount that everyone owes you. If there are different food or drink options at the party, you can also set multiple ticket types for different prices.
- Then you can focus on getting the party started rather than being a debt collector 😉
- While you might normally not think of selling ‘tickets’ to your wedding, a wedding is certainly considered an event. If you’re planning a weekend away to tie the knot, you can easily keep track of your guests’ accommodation and meal preferences by adding the various options for the weekend as different ticket types. Go one step further and make the page organised and easy-to-follow for your guests by separating your tickets into Accommodation and Meal categories.
- Like any event on Quicket, you can make this page Private to ensure no strangers end up booking a room for your wedding, unless you need rent-a-crowd. Are you waiving the cost of accommodation for your Maid of Honor and Best Man? Keep them on the guest list to ensure your numbers for the weekend are correct by sending them invitations that will issue them complementary tickets.
Burn camp fees
- Do you have a big group camping together for AfrikaBurn? Want to make sure everyone pays their part? You can not only set up a page to collect your camp fees on Quicket, but you can also make sure camp members designate their responsibilities at the same time. No-one likes a freeloader.
- The Quicket team itself uses our platform (surprise surprise) to collect our camp fees for the Burn. You can set up the page as Private, then create a ticket type for what is owed for the total cost of the camp. Add custom questions for essential camp tasks (e.g. ‘Bringing solar lights’ or ‘Camp decorating committee’ or ‘Bring extra water because Byron is definitely going to forget his) and hold each camp member accountable for their tasks.
These are just a few of the creative ways we’ve seen the Quicket platform being used. Check out our Pricing page and Features page to see a full breakdown of what we offer, but don’t be afraid to think outside the Box Office!

Elizabeth is Quicket’s UX Manager. She works on actively remaking the interface between business and customer and is steadily shaping the relationship between the two like a river shapes a valley. Liz fixates on ensuring the booking experience between event page and ticket buyer is intuitive, easy and universal. She’s Harry Potter obsessed, loves a pun and has a wicked sense of humour. She’s the loudest introvert we know and we adore her.