Get paid on time, every time, with Quicket’s easy to use subscriptions and recurring payments system. We’ve simplified the process of getting your club, group, stokvel, class, school, and any other recurring payments sorted without the hassle of EFT’s, wrong references, follow ups, and missed payments! Getting Paid Should Be Easy Have you ever tried to get a group of … Read More
New Fundraising Platform
GoodThingsGuy: “The Quicket team is using its extensive knowledge in digital design and payment solutions to bring South Africa a fundraising platform with the lowest fees.” Read More Share this Post
Live streaming or partying in pods
Eyewitness News: The economic devastation wrought by COVID-19 and the associated lockdowns continues to be felt. But some event companies on Friday said they were hopeful about the upcoming festive season.The industry is still in recovery mode after months of shut down, but Director of events company Quicket, James Tagg, said the upcoming season would be a bit different from … Read More
Talking Point on FMR
Fine Music Radio: Talking Point episode hosted by Fine Music Radio talks with Quicket CEO James Tagg about the company’s journey pre-Covid, during the lockdown, and the future of hybrid events. Listen below: Share this Post
Six ways to celebrate your birthday during lockdown
Covid-19, and the subsequent precautions to slow down the spread of the novel coronavirus, has disrupted every aspect of our lives, including birthdays.
How to help small businesses survive lockdown
While people are doing their part by staying at home to flatten the curve and using free time to take up a new hobby, read books or binge-watch series, many small businesses are seriously feeling the pinch during lockdown.
A large number of South African businesses are currently unable to operate at all, while others are finding new ways to keep business going by shifting operations to make and sell essential goods such as fresh produce, frozen meals or sanitisers and cleaning supplies.
LockdownSA: keeping busy, sane and using this time effectively
It is certainly a tough time for everyone. That said, it has never been easier or more important to play a part in saving lives and communities. Just wash your hands properly and stay at home to protect yourself as well as others. But this does present the question: what to do with our time?
3 ways to supplement your income during the Covid-19 lockdown
It’s no surprise that many small business owners, or even full-time employees, are feeling the pinch with the recent coronavirus outbreak.
Even companies like Edcon who have been around for decades, have succumbed to the devastating financial losses brought about by the pandemic.
While most, if not all, businesses will lose out on revenue, there are ways to get creative with earning money during this time. We have found three ways to help you regain some financial security.
SA tech startups put in place measures to tackle coronavirus
SA’s tech startups are responding to the threat of the coronavirus by putting in place austerity measures and devising new innovative solutions for customers, while instructing employees to work remotely from their homes. Following President Cyril…
What an investor looks for in a start-up
Budding entrepreneurs are seldom short on innovative ideas; the biggest challenge is usually to attract funding to enhance execution capabilities, which is where venture capital (VC) companies come in. A form of private equity financing, VC firms fill the gap…
What An Investor Looks For In A Startup
Budding entrepreneurs are seldom short on innovative ideas; the biggest challenge is usually to attract funding to enhance execution capabilities, which is where venture capital (VC) companies come in. A form of private equity financing, these VC firms fill the gap…
When securing funding for your startup “It’s all about the right team”, says VC firm Knife Capital
Budding entrepreneurs are seldom short on innovative ideas but the biggest challenge is usually attracting funding. This is where venture capital (VC) companies come in. A form of private equity financing, VC firms fill the gap that many traditional financiers have been…
Project to support youth entrepreneurship hailed
New and innovative ways to support youth entrepreneurship and self-employment are being devised by the government. This was said by President Cyril Ramaphosa during his State of the Nation address last week. The National Youth Development Agency and the…
5 Last-minute ideas for Valentine’s Day
So, you’ve forgotten that today is Valentine’s Day and now you’re scrambling for ideas that won’t look as though they’re last-minute. Stop, relax and breathe, we have you covered. Spa treatment. The chances of getting a spa treatment on Valentine’s Day are a bit slim, but…
5 Unique ways to spread the love this Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is coming up so take a look at five ways you can show your love to not only those closest to you but to those less fortunate than us. A gift of love and hope. According to the Western Cape government, there are roughly 4 862 homeless people living in the…
Let’s get loud! 4 events to add to your SA festival calendar
Taking to the stage at CTIJF 2020 were some of the best local and international music icons, including Jonathan Butler. South Africa has gorgeous views, award-winning restaurants and and just overall buckets of fun. You know what else we have? An assortment of…
Let’s get loud! 4 events to add to your SA festival calendar
South Africa has gorgeous views, award-winning restaurants and just overall buckets of fun. You know what else we have? An assortment of festivals and internationally-recognised events. As we gear up for festival season, we’ve gone in search for some of the biggest…
Top tech trends to look out for in Africa
Co-Founder and Director of Quicket, James Hedley takes a look at the four most exciting tech trends to look out for in Africa. Exponential investment in Africa. In November, Nigerian-based payment ventures received a $360 million investment, making it the ‘unofficial African…
Africa’s Trending Brands and SMEs
At Business Elites Africa, 2019 was a year to reminisce. And looking ahead, 2020 is a new year and the beginning of a new decade. In this new edition; Africa’s Trending Brands and SMEs, we put the spotlight on some of the continent’s best with regards to brands and…
Five 2020 events you do not want to miss
How often have you had a conversation with friends about an event they’ve just attended and you think to yourself: “Next year…” only to discover when “next year” comes, you’ve once again left it too late to book. The old adage, therefore, still rings true: if you don’t want to…