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Turning up the volume for the Entertainment Industry

Nina van den BergArts & Culture, Everything, Music, News, Quicket

Plug & Play: Collaboration in the Music Industry

Over the last few months, people from all aspects of the music industry have regularly been coming together under one roof to share ideas and knowledge, connect and learn.


A first of its kind in Cape Town, the collaborative event called Plug & Play Sessions is an initiative from Quicket. The event is a performing arts industry support platform which assists creatives in approaching their art as a sustainable business. The aim of these sessions is to create an accessible space where musicians, performers, creatives, industry professionals, and thought-leaders can get talking. Rather than what usually happens as a default in the industry, where a lot of people function in silos while trying to navigate the music landscape, this event is there to create a culture of connection, visibility and knowledge-sharing across genres and between people from different backgrounds.

The event

Each event sees a number of speakers sharing their knowledge, insights and experience - be it how to do something, or a more conceptual future-thinking talk. A voluntary showcase space allows budding or established artists to share what they’re working on with their fellow-attendees. Applications for the showcase open ahead of each event. Thus far, tickets have been free (if you’re on the mailing list and quick enough to grab one) or R30 for latecomers (with a snack included for all event goers, because who doesn’t love a snack).

Each event sees a number of speakers sharing their knowledge, insights and experience - be it how to do something, or a more conceptual future-thinking talk. A voluntary showcase space allows budding or established artists to share what they’re working on with their fellow-attendees. Applications for the showcase open ahead of each event. Thus far, tickets have been free (if you’re on the mailing list and quick enough to grab one) or R30 for latecomers (with a snack included for all event goers, because who doesn’t love a snack).

Check it out

The next event is on the horizon for Wednesday, 30 May 2018 and Quicket is expanding the reach of the event to not only focus on music, but on comedy as well.

Want to check it out? As a loyal QuicketBlog reader and if you’re a musician, comedian, or someone in the entertainment industry - we’re giving you a discount to get gift tickets! All you need to do is head to this link to claim them.

This discount is limited and is only valid until it runs out, or until 10:00 am on Wednesday, 8 May 2018, so you better hurry!

Click here to access your tickets and make sure you book your spot, and for showcase applications, visit this link.

See you at Volume V of Plug & Play Sessions!

P.S. Keep an eye on this blog for summaries of and resources from previous editions of the event.

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