Advertising used to be a fairly desperate state of affairs. We’d broadcast messages widely across the country using expensive media and hope someone was paying attention. Meantime our clients would stand around in their stores hoping someone would walk in. And the…
Improve your event with ticketing on mobile
How far is your phone from you at this very moment? Chances are it’s less than 60cm away from you. Or on your desk. Or in your pocket. More than likely, you’re reading this on your phone. We bet it’s the latter. Mobile ticketing is a sure-fire way to improve your event. You’re…
The Quicket Image Cheat Sheet: Making your pictures speak for themselves
They say a picture paints a thousand words… Here’s everything you need to know about the image resolution and formats for your events on Quicket. Have you ever wished that all the image specs you need for running your event on Quicket were available all in one place? Well…
Setting up Mailchimp: A newbie event organiser’s account of how to engage with eventgoers
Finding time to engage with event-goers at the event? Good luck with that… As a new, independent event organiser, the biggest nightmare I’ve encountered has been connecting with people present at the event. Naturally, you want to connect with people attending your event…