There are some important pricing updates for all organisers running their events through Quicket to be aware of. Keeping reading to find out everything you need to know. 1. Service Fee is now a Booking Fee
Since its inception in 2011, Quicket has tried to provide the…
Back to school with Quicket
This last September saw the Independent Schools Marketing Association (ISMA) Conference take place at the Spier Wine Farm, in Stellenbosch. The conference gave Quicket a chance to view all the new ways that schools who already use the Quicket platform are making use of it…
Setting up Mailchimp: A newbie event organiser’s account of how to engage with eventgoers
Finding time to engage with event-goers at the event? Good luck with that… As a new, independent event organiser, the biggest nightmare I’ve encountered has been connecting with people present at the event. Naturally, you want to connect with people attending your event…